The online registration system is not open yet.

Paper Registration Fees

Each paper accepted at the ICSOC 2024 main conference requires at least a regular (conference) registration by one of the co-authors.

Each paper accepted at an ICSOC 2024 co-located workshop requires at least a workshop registration by one of the co-authors.

Workshops Only 250 € 350 €
Conference Only 750 € 800 €
Conference and Workshops 850 € 900 €

If your paper is accepted at an ICSOC 2024 co-located workshop and you wish to attend the main conference, you need a regular (conference and workshops) registration.

If your paper is accepted at the ICSOC 2024 main conference and you wish attend the co-located events (workshops, PhD symposium, etc.) on Tuesday December 3, you need a regular (conference and workshops) registration.

(*) The deadline for early registration is :
  • September 28, 2024 for the main conference.
  • October 31, 2024 for Workshops and other satellite events.

Participation Fees

Type Student (**) Non-Student Student (**) Non-Student
Workshops Only 200 € 250 € 300 € 350 €
Conference Only 600 € 750 € 650 € 800 €
Conference and Workshops 650 € 850 € 700 € 900 €
(**) Participants registering with student fees will be required to provide proof that they are enrolled in an academic program aimed at obtaining an MSc or Ph.D. in Computer Science or related fields during the 2023/2024 academic year.

Extra Fees

Event Price
Welcome Reception 50 €
Social Event: Visit to Carthage and Gala dinner 150 €

What is included

The registration/Participation fee includes:
  • Workshops Only: Provides access to the workshops and Ph.D. symposium on Tuesday, December 3 (only), including lunch, coffee breaks, and the Conference Welcome reception.
  • Conference Only: Provides access to the conference tracks, tutorials, and keynotes from Wednesday, December 4 to Friday, December 6. It also includes lunches and coffee breaks from Wednesday to Friday, as well as the conference welcome reception and the social event on december 5.
  • Conference and Workshops: Provides access to all ICSOC 2024 scientific events from Tuesday, December 3 to Friday, December 6, including conference tracks, tutorials, keynotes, workshops, and the Ph.D. symposium. It also includes lunches and coffee breaks from Tuesday to Friday, the conference welcome reception, and the conference social event.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are author (or co-author) of an accepted paper at the ICSOC main conference, then you need to perform a regular registration, even if you are MSc. or PhD student.

If you have a paper accepted at the Ph.D. Symposium or one of the co-located workshops, then you need to perform a regular (workshops) registration, even if you are MSc. or PhD student.

If you are the presenting author of a paper, you cannot cancel your registration, independently of your effective participation in the event.

If you encounter any problem with the registration, please send an email to : while copying, and