ICSOC is inviting applicants to submit proposals for high-quality workshops contributing to the scientific program of the main conference. The workshop program seeks to provide venues for specialist groups to meet and hold a focused discussion on specific sub-areas within Service-Oriented Computing, and to engage in community-building activities. The workshops should provide a discussion forum for researchers and industrials in topics related to the main theme of the conference, either on specific research themes or in emerging areas of research. The workshops will be held on December 3th, 2024.


Workshop proposals shall be submitted to Workshop Co-chairs (contact details follow) and should include the following information:

  • Workshop title
  • if relevant the number of previous editions
  • Name, affiliation, postal, and e-mail addresses of each (proposed) workshop chair
  • A brief (1-page) CV of each (proposed) workshop chair, highlighting prior experience in organizing similar workshops
  • A brief description of the topic of the workshop and its relevance to the conference (not exceeding 500 words)
  • Proposed duration of the workshop (full-day or half-day)
  • A list of likely program committee members
  • An estimate of the number of submissions that will be attracted on the basis of workshops held in previous years or any other information
  • Plans for Invited Talks, if any
  • A commitment as to whether or not the workshop organizers would like the post proceedings to appear in Springer together with the other workshops
  • Any further information deemed relevant, e.g. previous workshops held on similar themes

Accepted workshops

For the accepted workshops, the organizers will be responsible for the following:
  • Constituting the workshop program committee
  • Setting up a workshop website
  • Advertising the workshop
  • Managing the paper review and selection process
  • Ensuring that at least one author of each accepted paper attends to present the paper (this may require announcing regulations that stipulate this as a pre-requisite for the publication of the paper in the workshop proceedings)
  • Ensuring that the workshop delivers useful scholarly/research value via active discussion/debate
  • Workshops may be held for a full day or for half a day (depends on the co-chairs preferences and/or the number of the accepted papers)
  • At least one author for each paper accepted to a workshop will need to register for the workshop program
In addition, all the accepted workshops should assume the following schedule for the main deadlines:
  • Workshop Papers Submission: 26 September 2024
  • Authors Notification: 24 October 2024
  • Workshop date: 03 December 2024
All deadlines are in Anywhere on Earth time (AOE = GMT – 12). Check the time in the AOE Zone here: https://time.is/AOE.

Workshop papers are typically between 8 and 12 Springer's LNCS pages long. Every workshop should manage a minimum of 5 accepted papers.
Workshops not managing the minimum number of accepted papers will be suggested to join together or cancel.

Workshop chairs